Kamis, 05 April 2012

Another Love Story

Disclaimer : Masashi Kishimoto

Warning : AU, rush, gaje, all Hinata POV.


Fanfic ini kupersembahkan untuk event DA1A (Devil and Angel 1st Anniversary). Mengangkat ketiga tema (1 tahun, anniversary, jodoh) dengan tema utama : 1 tahun. Another Love Story just for you. Happy reading XD

All Hinata POV
Aku duduk di kursi sebuah kafe langgananku. Masih dengan seragam sekolah lengkap dengan tas dan segala atributnya. Rambut indigoku sengaja kugerai agar menimbulkan kesan-dewasa-mungkin. Menopang dagu sambil menikmati rum raisin chocolate ice cream.
Aku bukan tipe orang yang suka duduk-duduk di kafe hanya untuk sekedar makan es krim atau minum sesuatu. Tujuanku berada di sini adalah menunggu seseorang yang lebih tepat kusebut kekasih. Hari ini adalah perayaan 1 tahun kami resmi berpacaran. Err. . . sebenarnya resmi 1 tahun kami bertemu, sebab kami tak tahu kapan kami menyatakan kalau diri kami adalah sepasang kekasih. Semuanya berjalan begitu saja tanpa kami sadari.

Sesekali aku melihat layar ponselku. Menunggu sms atau telpon darinya. Sudah 5 menit aku menunggunya. Kesibukannya sebagai dokter adalah alasan yang tepat mengapa ia selalu datang terlambat di setiap kencan kita. Aku paham betul dia bukanlah siswa SMA sepertiku yang masih bisa bersantai-santai atau bermain dengan teman-teman sebaya. Yah walaupun ini tahun terakhirku di SMA yang artinya aku harus mempersiapkan diri untuk menghadapi ujian akhir yang akan diadakan sebentar lagi. Tapi setidaknya aku masih memiliki waktu luang untuk bermain.

Aku berbeda jauh dengannya. Dia dewasa, aku kekanakan. Mungkin itu disebabkan oleh usia kami yang terpaut 10 tahun. Dia tegas, aku penuh keraguan. Dia tinggi, aku kurang tinggi. Matanya hitam, aku putih. Aku suka makanan manis, dia tak suka. Dia ambisius, aku tak punya ambisi. Tapi kami juga punya beberapa kesamaan. Kami sama-sama tak suka kebisingan, sama-sama pendiam, dan. . . Sama-sama mencintai.

Aku jadi teringat bagaimana pertemuan pertama kami dulu. Hari ini tanggal 2 April, tepat setahun yang lalu.


"Aku juga menyukaimu, Naruto-kun," ucap Sakura.
Sedetik kemudian Naruto mengecup bibir Sakura. Sungguh pemandangan yang tak ingin kulihat. Dadaku terasa sesak, bulir-bulir air mata mulai membasahi pipiku.
Aku menyesal mengikuti Naruto ke taman belakang sekolah. Dan harus melihat Naruto menyatakan cintanya pada Sakura. Kau bodoh, Hinata kau sungguh bodoh. Kau itu tak pantas untuk Naruto.

Aku berlari menuju gerbang sekolah. Ingin rasanya segera sampai ke rumah. Menuju tempatku yang paling aman.


Suara petir menggema seiring jatuhnya hujan. Bahkan ketika aku menangis, langit pun ikut menangis. Aku berjalan di tengah hujan sambil menangis. Selain untuk mendramatisir suasana, aku sendiri juga tidak membawa payung.

"Nona Hinata!"


Aku segera melangkahkan kaki pucatku menuju ruang periksa. Huh, gara-gara kehujanan kemarin, aku jadi sakit.

"Silakan duduk, Nona," ucap sang dokter.

Tak kusangka dokter ini begitu tampan. Mata hitam kelamnya begitu tajam, membuatku gugup. Gaya rambutnya juga keren walaupun mirip err pantat ayam?

"I-iya," ucapku seraya duduk di kursi yang berhadapan dengannya.

"Sudah lama menunggu?" ucapnya. Mungkin itu hanya basa-basi untuk beramah-tamah.

"A-ano. . . Lumayan, Dok."

"Baiklah, apa keluhanmu?"


"Biar kupriksa," ucapnya sambil mengenakan masker dan sarung tangan karet.

"Buka mulutmu dan bilang aaa."



Kemudian dia membuka sarung tangan karetnya dan meletakkan punggung tangannya pada dahiku, "Panasnya cukup tinggi. Aku ukur suhu badanmu," dia mengambil termometer kemudian menyelipkannya di bibirku.

Degup jantungku jadi terasa aneh saat tangannya tak sengaja menyentuh pipiku ketika meletakkan termometer. Aku mengedarkan pandanganku. Tak sengaja mataku bertemu mata onixnya. Degup jantungku semakin terasa aneh. Kemudian dia mengalihkan pandangannya.

"Hmm cukup, biar kulihat," ucapnya seraya meraih termometer dari mulutku.

"38 derajat. Kau hanya perlu banyak istirahat dan minum air. Akan kutuliskan resep



"Te-terima kasih, Dok."

Dia membalas ucapan terima kasihku dengan sebuah senyuman. Eh tapi mungkin aku salah
lihat. Mungkin bukan senyuman. Ah entahlah. Dokter itu mempunyai kesan tersendiri bagiku.


"Nona Hinata!"


Ini kali kedua aku datang ke klinik ini. Padahal seminggu lalu aku baru datang ke sini. Kemarin aku kehujanan, jadi sekarang demam. Harusnya musim semi ini dihujani oleh bunga sakura yang bermekaran, bukan dengan hujan yang sesungguhnya. Lagipula ini belum waktunya musim hujan, jadi aku tak membawa payung. Eh, apa ini yang namanya jodoh? Hahaha oke itu berlebihan.

"Silakan duduk, Nona Hinata."


"Sudah lama menunggu?" pertanyaan basa-basinya sama dengan minggu lalu.

"Lu-lumayan, Dok."

"Apa keluhanmu?"


"Lagi?" ucapnya menautkan alisnya.

Eh? Apakah dia mengingatku?

"Hem. . . Y-ya."

"Akan aku periksa. Buka mulutmu dan bilang aaa."


"Baik," ucapnya seraya mengenakan stetoscopenya.

Kemudian ia meletakkan ujung stetoscopenya di dadaku, "Tarik nafas perlahan," aku melakukan sesuai perintahnya, "Ya cukup, hembuskan."

"Akan kutulis resep untukmu. Jangan lupa diminum obatnya."



"Te-terima kasih, Dok."


Kali ini tak ada kesan apapun. Tapi setidaknya dia mengingatku. Hehehe. . .

Hari ini aku demam lagi. Kemarin aku kehujanan. Sebenarnya aku membawa payung namun sengaja tak aku pakai agar bisa mandi hujan, lalu demam dan kembali ke klinik itu lagi. Ini memang terkesan gila. Tapi entah kenapa aku ingin bertemu dokter itu lagi. Dan satu-satunya cara ialah demam lagi.

"Silakan duduk, Nona Hinata."


"Apa keluhanmu?"


"Baik, akan kuperiksa."

Eh? Kali ini tak ada basa-basi. Apa dia bosan denganku?

"Buka mulutmu dan bilang aaa."


Kemudian ia meletakkan punggung tangannya di dahiku, lalu leher, kemudian pipiku.

"Gunakan ini. Akhir-akhir ini cuaca tidak menentu."

Dia memberiku sebuah payung lipat.


"Kau demam karena kehujanan, kan?" pertanyaanya terdengar seperti tuduhan. Walaupun memang benar.

"I-iya," jawabku gugup seraya meraih payung yang ia berikan.

Sebenarnya aku tak ingin menerimanya, tapi tanganku malah meraihnya. Aku jadi tak bisa menggunakan alasan demam lagi untuk kembali ke klinik dan. . . ber-bertemu dengannya.

"Akan kutuliskan resep untukmu."



"Terima kasih, Dok," ucapku sambil tersenyum.

Walau begitu aku lumayan senang juga karena dapat payung darinya. Bukan karena payungnya, tapi siapa yang memberikannya. Bisa dibilang aku tertarik pada dokter ini.

"Jangan kembali lagi," ucapannya sukses melunturkan senyumanku.


"Aku bilang jangan kembali lagi."

"Ke-kenapa, Dok?" dengan mata berkaca-kaca aku malah melontarkan pertanyaan bodoh seperti itu.

Dia bilang jangan kembali lagi. Dia tak ingin melihatku lagi. Hatiku sungguh sedih. Memang aneh. Padahal dia bukan siapa-siapaku. Bahkan aku tak mengetahui namanya. Tapi kenapa aku sangat sedih ketika dia bilang jangan kembali lagi?

". . ." tak ada jawaban. Dia malah sibuk menulis. Entah menulis apa.

"Ba-baiklah kalau begitu a-aku tidak ak-"

"Jangan sakit lagi."


"Maksudku, kau boleh kembali ke sini tapi bukan sebagai pasien," ucapnya masih dengan kegiatan menulisnya.

"La-lalu untuk?"

"Menemuiku?" ucapnya menatapku sambil menyeringai tipis.

Aku mematung mendengar ucapannya. Sebenarnya aku tak benar-benar paham apa maksudnya. Tapi yang jelas, dia masih mau menemuiku lagi. Ini cukup membuatku senang.
Eh malah sangat senang.

"Payung itu."


"Jangan rusak ataupun hilang."


"Jangan lupa minum obatmu."


"Jangan lupa menemuiku lagi."

"Eh? Ah- baik."

"Pulanglah, kau menganggu pekerjaanku."

"Ba-baiklah. Terima kasih, Dok," ucapku sambil membungkuk lalu pergi.


Beberapa hari kemudian aku memutuskan untuk kembali ke klinik itu. Tak lupa aku membawa sekotak puding coklat untuk dokter itu. Eh? Tunggu dulu. Betapa bodohnya aku yang lupa mencari tahu ataupun menanyakan nama dokter itu. Bagaimana aku bisa menemuinya?

Sepulang sekolah, kira-kira pukul 4 sore aku nekat datang ke klinik itu. Dengan sekotak puding coklat di tangan, aku melangkahkan kaki menuju klinik yang tak seberapa jauh dari sekolahku. Kira-kira hanya 15 menit berjalan kaki.

Semakin mendekati klinik, hatiku semakin berdebar. Apalagi setelah memasuki klinik. Benar-
benar berdebar kencang.

"Pe-permisi?" ucapku pada seorang suster yang berjaga di loket pendaftaran.

"Ada yang bisa kubantu, Nona?"

"A-aku ingin me-mengetahui na-nama dokter yang. . . Ano . . ."

"Oh, kau Nona Hinata," ucapnya membaca name tagku.


"Silakan masuk ke ruang periksa Dokter Uchiha," ucapnya sambil menunjuk sebuah pintu
ruangan yang sudah tak asing bagiku.

"Ba-baik, terima kasih."

Oh, ternyata nama keluarganya Uchiha. Kuamati pintu ruang periksa itu. Di sana tertera
papan nama bertuliskan 'Dr. Uchiha Sasuke'. Eh? Ternyata Sasuke. Bodoh sekali aku yang
baru menyadarinya setelah 4 kali datang ke sini.


"Ah, kau datang."


"Kemarilah. Silakan duduk."

"Ba-baik," ucapku mengangguk ragu.

"Ada apa?"

Eh? Benar juga. Untuk apa aku ke sini? Sepertinya tak ada tujuan khusus selain ingin

"Ha-hanya i-ngin menemui dokter," jawabku dengan rona merah. Ini pertama kalinya aku
merona di depannya. Aku sungguh malu.



"Kau merindukanku?" godanya sukses membuat wajahku semakin merona.

"Eh, ano. . . Itu aku-"

"Apa itu untukku?" dia menunjuk kotak puding yang kubawa.

"Eh, i-iya. I-ini puding coklat. Silakan," ucapku seraya menyodorkan kotaknya.

"Kau membuatnya sendiri?"


"Sejujurnya aku tak suka makanan manis."

"Oh. Ma-maaf."

Itu pertama kalinya aku tahu kalau dia tak suka makanan manis. Entah kenapa hatiku
mencelos saat dia katakan dia tak suka.

"Tapi karena kau sudah susah payah membuat, aku akan memakannya. Terima kasih, ya.
Aku tak menyangka kau begitu perhatian padaku," ucapnya sukses membuat jantungku
berdegup kencang.

Setelah itu kami berbincang-bincang mengenai diri kami dan latar belakang kami. Dari situlah
aku tahu kalau usia kami terpaut 10 tahun. Tapi kelihatannya dia tak berkeberatan dengan keberadaan diriku yang notabanenya adalah gadis remaja.

Kami juga saling bertukar nomor ponsel. Dia sering meng-sms-ku, kadang menelpon.
Bahkan terkadang kami makan bersama di kafe dekat sekolahku. Semuanya berjalan begitu

Dia sering menggodaku. Awalnya kupikir dia tak serius denganku, namun perlakuannya
padaku mengubah pikiranku. Rasa sayangnya padaku bukanlah rasa sayang kepada seorang
adik. Begitu juga denganku, aku menyayanginya bukan sebagai seorang kakak. Walaupun
bibirnya tak pernah mengucapkan cinta padaku namun sikapnya membuktikannya.

Hubungan yang kami jalani berbeda dengan hubungan sepasang kekasih lain. Kami tak
pernah bertengkar ataupun saling cemburu. Dia tak pernah marah padaku, begitu juga
denganku yang tak pernah marah padanya. Memang terkesan monoton, namun aku
menyukainya. Benar-benar nyaman.

- End of flashback

"Sudah lama menunggu?" suara berat itu membuyarkan lamunanku. Aku kenal kalimat itu.

"Eh? Lumayan, Dokter," ucapku tersenyum.

"Bagaimana sekolahmu?"

"Biasa saja."

"Sebentar lagi ujian akhir, kan. Bukannya belajar malah bersantai di sini," ucapnya sarkastik.
Padahal ia yang menyuruhku datang ke sini.

"Eh? Huh, aku sedang menunggu seseorang yang tak kunjung datang," ucapku dengan nada
sok jutek. Aku tahu dia sedang menggodaku.

"Benarkah? Orang itu pasti spesial sampai-sampai kau rela menunggu lama," dia bicara
seakan dirinya bukan orang yang kutunggu.

"Ya. . . Lumayan spesial," jawabku meladeni godaannya.

"Hanya lumayan?"

"Sebenarnya sih sangat spesial."

"Benarkah? Memangnya dia itu siapamu?"

"Di-dia kekasihku," ucapku merona, "Kau sendiri sedang apa di sini? Kau mau menemui
kekasihmu yang sedang menunggumu?" ucapku balik menggodanya.

"Aku memang mau menemui seseorang, tapi orang itu bukan kekasihku."

Eh? Bukan kekasih? Apa ini termasuk dalam godaannya?

"Lalu si-siapa?"

"Calon istriku."

"Ca-calon istri? Si-siapa?"

"Nona Hyuuga Hinata," ucapnya sambil meraih tanganku lalu menggenggamnya, "Sabtu ini
datanglah ke rumahku. Akan kukenalkan dengan ibuku."

Apa? Aku tak menyangka secepat ini. Apa dia bilang? Calon istri? Jantungku sungguh
berdegup kencang.

"Apa ti-tidak terburu-buru?"

"Menurutku 1 tahun adalah waktu yang cukup lama."

"Ta-tapi bagaimana kalau ibumu-"

"Datanglah dahulu. Kita tak akan pernah tahu hasilnya bila tak mencoba."


"Terima kasih. Jadi saja dirimu sendiri," ucapnya sambil mengelus puncak kepalaku.


Setelah itu kami menikmati menu pesanan kami masing-masing dalam diam. Suasana seperti
inilah yang biasa terjadi di antara kami. Tak ada kata-kata hanya saling pandang dan
melempar senyum. Itulah kagiatan yang paling kusuka ketika bersamanya. Tak ada kata
sayang ataupun kalimat romantis. Justru itulah yang membuatku tak pernah bosan

"Setelah lulus nanti, apa yang akan kau lakukan?" tanyanya tiba-tiba.

"Eh? Umm. . . Entahlah, belum kuputuskan," jawabku ragu.

"Kau punya cita-cita?"

"Entahlah, a-aku tak yakin," ucapku sambil menggaruk pipiku.

"Mulai dari sekarang pikirkanlah apa yang ingin kau lakukan dalam hidupmu," ucapnya lalu
meneguk minumannya.

"Iya, ba-baiklah. Tapi aku masih ragu."

"Pikirkanlah baik-baik. Karena langkahmu nanti akan menentukan masa depanmu."

"I-iya. Akan segera kupikirkan," ucapku mengangguk lemah.

"Pikirkan sesuatu yang dapat membuatmu berdebar dan bersemangat."

"Berdebar dan bersemangat? Ba-baiklah. Te-terima kasih."

Setelah menikmati kencan hari ini, Sasuke mengantarku pulang. Dia sengaja tak membawa
kendaraannya agar kami bisa berjalan sambil bergandengan tangan menuju halte bus. Sore-sore begini bus selalu penuh. Dia berdiri berhadapan denganku. Wajahku hampir menempel
ke dadanya karena saking penuhnya bis yang kami tumpangi. Aku dapat mencium aroma
parfumnya. Yah, ini satu hal lagi yang aku suka saat bersamanya.


"Sesuatu yang dapat membuatku berdebar dan bersemangat? Kira-kira apa?" tanyaku pada
diriku sendiri yang sedang duduk di kursi ruang makan sambil menopang dagu.

"Dokter?" bukan, "Suster?" mungkin juga bukan, "Arsitek?" sepertinya tidak, "Musik?" aku
suka musik namun hanya sekedar hobi.

"Hmmm . . . ."


Bunyi oven mengagetkanku.

"Ah, sudah matang ternyata," ucapku seraya menuju dapur.

"Waah, harumnya. . . Wah, ternyata bentuknya indah. Aku berhasil yey," ucapku kegirangan.

Ya inilah pekerjaanku ketika waktu senggang atau bosan belajar. Aku akan bereksperimen di
dapurku. Membuat kue atau kudapan. Walaupun nanti Sasuke tidak akan memakan kue
buatanku, setidaknya ada adikku, Hanabi, yang akan melahapnya hanya dengan 1 gigitan.

Haha walaupun hanya karena berhasil membuat kue kering, jantungku berdebar-debar. Eh?
Ber-berdebar? Apa ini? Baiklah, akan kupikirkan lagi.


"Ayo, Hinata kau pasti bisa," ucapku pada pantulan diriku, "Kau tidak cantik, tapi kau manis,"
aku memuji diriku sendiri.

"Kau mau pergi dengan Sasuke?" suara dari depan pintu mengagetkanku.

"I-iya, Nii-san," ucapku pada Neji-nii. Dia kakak sepupuku.

"Kau berdandan manis juga. Kau jadi terlihat lebih dewasa," ucapnya mengomentari

"Benarkah? Baguslah kalau begitu."

"Memangnya kenapa?"

"Sebenarnya aku ingin dikenalkan dengan ibunya."


"I-iya, ayah dan kakak laki-lakinya sudah meninggal. Ibunya adalah keluarga satu-satunya
yang ia miliki."

"Apa paman dan bibi sudah tahu hal ini?"

"Be-belum. Aku akan memberi tahu mereka mengenai hubunganku dengan Sasuke saat aku
menyusul mereka ke Belanda."

Sebenarnya ayah dan ibuku tinggal di Belanda untuk mengurusi bisnis toko kue mereka. Di
rumah ini aku hanya tinggal bertiga bersama Hanabi dan Neji-nii.

"Maksudmu kau dan Sasuke akan ke Belanda, begitu?"



"Nanti akan kuceritakan semuanya pada Nii-san."

"Baiklah. Semoga sukses," ucapnya tersenyum lalu pergi.

Terima kasih banyak, Nii-san. Kau memang yang terbaik.

Dengan percaya diri, aku melangkahkan kaki menuju pintu. Eits, tunggu dulu. Aku harus
mememeriksa penampilanku sekali lagi. Aku kembali ke depan cermin.

Kulihat lagi pantulan diriku yang memakai summer dress selutut berwarna ungu muda. Ditambah bolero putih sedada berenda di ujung lengan dan bawahnya. Flat shoes putih dengan pita di mata kaki. Tak lupa jepitan berbentuk bunga lavender mempermanis bagian rambutku. Oke siap, ayo berangkat.

"Eh? Sejak kapan?" ucapku yang terkejut melihat Sasuke yang telah duduk di ruang tamuku.

"Baru saja," ucapnya santai, "Kau manis sekali," jujur, aku jarang mendengar pujian darinya.

"Ehem. . ." itu dehaman Neji-nii.

"Haha. . . Baiklah kami pergi dulu, Neji," ucap Sasuke sambil terkikik.

"Berani macam-macam dengannya, mati kau!" ucap Neji-nii sukses membuatku merinding.

"Tenanglah, dia aman bersamaku."


Kami pergi dengan mobil Sasuke. Perasaan gugup mulai menghampiriku.


"Ah, i-iya."

"Jangan gugup begitu."


"Jadi saja dirimu sendiri."


"Jangan lupa tersenyum."


"Ingat, nama ibuku Uchiha Mikoto."

"Te-tentu. Oh iya, tidakkah kita mampir membeli sesuatu untuk ibumu?"

"Ah, benar juga. Tapi, mau beli apa?"

"Bunga?" aku mengingat beberapa film drama yang menampilkan seorang calon menantu yang akan bertemu ibu mertua. Di drama itu, si gadis membawa sebuket bunga.


"Ibumu suka bunga apa?"

"Entahlah, mungkin dia suka semua jenis."

"Ki-kita mampir ke toko bunganya Ino dulu yah. Ino teman sekelasku. Tokonya ada di ujung jalan sana."


Tak perlu waktu lama untuk sampai ke toko bunga milik Ino. Karena ini hari Sabtu, maka Ino yang menjaga toko.

"Selamat datang di toko bunga kami," sapa Ino ramah sambil membungkuk sopan.

"Ino-chan, a-aku ingin melihat-lihat dulu."

"Eh, Hinata? Tumben kau ke sini. Dengan siapa?" tanyanya.

"Eh, ano. . . Dengan ke-kekasihku," jawabku malu-malu. Semburat merah muncul di pipiku.

"Wah Hinata-chan, kau kok tak pernah cerita kalau sudah punya pacar?"

"Eh, itu. . ."

"Kau jadi membeli bunga apa?" tanya Sasuke yang baru saja memasuki toko.

"A-aku belum memutuskan. A-aku ingin melihat-lihat du-dulu."

"Eh? Ja-jadi. . ." ucap Ino terbata.

"I-iya," ucapku pada Ino.

"Maaf Nona, kami ingin tahu bunga jenis apa yang kira-kira cocok untuk diberikan kepada
calon ibu mertua?" tanya Sasuke innocent. Aku jadi malu pada Ino.

"A-apa? Hinata-chan, kau akan menikah?" tanya Ino dengan volume maksimal.

"Eh, a-ano. . ." aku bingung harus menjawab apa.

"Suatu hari nanti pasti seorang gadis akan menikah bukan? Kau juga nanti akan menikah,"
ucapan Sasuke sepertinya sukses menghilangkan keterkejutan Ino.

"Benar juga," jawab Ino. Kini pipinya memerah.

"Jadi tolong bantu kami, Nona."

"Ah, iya iya. Di sini ada berbagai macam bunga. Setiap bunga mempunyai arti yang berbeda."

"Ah? A-apa saja?" tanyaku antusias.

"Ini, kau bisa lihat. Bunga Lily melambangkan kebangkitan hidup, Bunga Aster melambangkan
kemurnian kan kesederhanaan, Bunga Anyelir melambangkan cinta, kasih sayang dan penghormatan. Bunga Anggrek melambangkan cinta dan kecantikan, Bunga Krisan melambangkan persahabatan, Bunga Matahari melambangkan kebahagiaan dan kegembiraan, dan yang terakhir ini Bunga Tulip melambangkan cinta yang sempurna," ucapnya panjang lebar.

Aku dan Sasuke hanya ber-oh ria.

"Aku rasa Bunga Anyelir yang paling cocok karena melambangkan cinta, kasih sayang, dan penghormatan," ucapnya sambil menunjuk salah satu bunga.

"Ba-bagaimana?" tanyaku pada Sasuke.

"Terserah kau saja," ucapnya angkat bahu. Sepertinya dia tidak tertarik dengan bunga.

"Baiklah. Aku ingin sebuket Bunga Anyelir."

"Ok. Eh, kalau kalian menikah, undang aku yah. Hehehe," ucapnya menggodaku.

"Eh? Ah, i-iya," ucapku dengan wajah memerah.

"Dasar remaja," Sasuke mendengus kesal. Namun rona merah tampak jelas pada pipi
pucatnya. Aku jadi terkikik geli.

"Aku tunggu di mobil," ucap Sasuke.


Tak sampai 5 menit, sebuket Bunga Anyelir telah berada di tanganku. Ino memang terampil merangkai bunga.

"Jadi berapa?" tanyaku.

"Kekasihmu sudah membayarnya."


"Tadi dia meninggalkan uang di meja kasir. Ini kembailannya."

"Terima kasih, Ino. Simpan saja kembaliannya. Aku rasa dia tak ingin mengambilnya."


"Iya, dia memang begitu."

"Wah, lumayan juga buat jajan. Hehehe bercanda kok," katanya sambil mengibaskan tangan,

"Sudah berapa lama?"




"Ih, kok kau tak pernah cerita," Ino mendengus kesal.

"Ma-maaf, Ino-chan. Aku kan malu."

"Berapa usianya? Dia terlihat dewasa," Ino berhenti sebentar. Terlihat semburat merah di
pipinya, "Juga tampan. Hehe. . ."

"Eh? Hehehe. . . Terpaut 10 tahun dengan kita."

"Apa? Sungguh? Wajahnya baby face
sekali. Kupikir usianya baru 23 tahun," ucap Ino sedikit terkejut.

"Ah, ano. . . Maaf, Ino-chan. Aku harus segera pergi."

"Ah iya baiklah. Semoga sukses yah," ucap Ino sambil menepuk pundakku.

"Ba-baik. Terima kasih."

Setelah itu, aku dan Sasuke melanjutkan perjalanan menuju rumahnya. Dia bilang, ibunya
sudah menunggu dan tak sabar ingin bertemu denganku. Apa itu benar? Kalau benar, aku jadi semakin gugup.


"Sudah sampai," Sasuke menghentikan laju mobilnya tepat di depan pintu gerbang.

"Ah, i-iya," ucapku. Jantungku semakin berdegup kencang.

Aku turun dari mobil dan membukakan pintu gerbang untuk Sasuke. Dari pintu gerbang aku
melihat sesosok wanita bersurai hitam panjang di depan pintu rumah yang jaraknya kira-kira 20 meter. Dia melambai pada kami. Aku membalasnya dengan membungkuk kecil.

"Itu ibuku," ucap Sasuke mengagetkanku. Rupanya ia telah selesai memarkir mobilnya.

"Eh, i-iya."

"Ayo," ucapnya seraya menggandeng tanganku.

"Akhirnya kalian datang juga. Ibu telah menunggu lama."

"Maaf, Bu."

"Selamat datang, Nona. . ."

"Na-namaku Hyuuga Hinata, Bi," ucapku seraya membungkuk sopan.

"Ah, iya maaf bibi lupa. Selamat datang, Nona Hyuuga."

Eh? Lupa? Berarti sebelumnya dia sudah mengetahui namaku. Apa Sasuke sudah menceritakan tentangku?

"Pa-panggil Hinata saja, Bi. Oh iya, i-ini untuk Bibi Mikoto," ucapku seraya memberikannya sebuket Bunga Anyelir yang tadi kubeli dari toko Ino. Eh, sebenarnya Sasuke yang membelinya.

"Wah terima kasih, Hinata. Silakan masuk."

Kami pun masuk ke dalam rumah. Kami duduk di ruang tamu.

"Bibi ambilkan minum yah."

"Tak pe-perlu repot-repot, Bi," ucapku.

"Iya tak apa kok."

Sekarang tinggal aku dan Sasuke. Kami duduk bersebelahan. Dari tadi ia tak membuka suaranya.

"Aku tinggal sebentar ya. Aku ingin bicara pada ibuku," kini ia buka suara.


Kini tinggal aku sendiri. Kuamati sekitarku. Kudapati sebuah foto yang menarik perhatianku. Di foto itu terdapat 1 pria, 1 wanita, dan 2 remaja laki-laki. Yang satu mengenakan seragam SMA dan yang satu mengenakan seragam SMP. Mereka duduk di rerumputan beralaskan tikar. Sepertinya mereka sedang piknik. Kuamati lagi, mereka nampak bahagia.

"Ayah dan kakaknya Sasuke meninggal setelah foto itu diambil," suara Bibi Mikoto mengagetkanku, "Saat itu hari kelulusan Itachi dari SMA. Kami sengaja merayakannya dengan berpiknik bersama," ucapnya lirih.

"Ibu? Kenapa kau ceritakan hal itu padanya?" ucap Sasuke yang baru saja datang membawa nampan berisi 3 cangkir minuman.

"Tidak apa kan kalau bibi cerita, Hinata?"

"Tak a-apa kok, Bi."

"Jangan bercerita hal-hal yang sedih, Bu," ucapnya, "Oh iya. Aku harus pergi ke klinik. Tadi temanku sesama dokter menelpon kalau dia sedang ada acara keluarga, jadi tak bisa menjaga klinik. Dia memintaku menggantikannya."

"Bukannya kau juga sedang ada acara keluarga?"

"Aku harus mengutamakan pasien, Bu. Itu tugasku."

"Baiklah. Kalau begitu, hati-hati."

"Ok sampai jumpa, Bu," ucapnya seraya mengecup kening ibunya. Hal yang belum pernah ia
lakukan padaku, "Kau jangan pulang sendiri. Aku akan mengantarmu pulang nanti," ucapnya

"I-iya, baiklah."

Sasuke pun pergi meninggalkan aku dan ibunya. Aku jadi gugup harus membayangkan hal apa saja yang akan kami lakukan selagi menunggu Sasuke pulang.

"Itachi pasti akan sangat bangga dengan Sasuke."


"Sebenarnya setelah lulus SMA, Itachi ingin melanjutkan kuliah kedokteran. Namun takdir
berkata lain. Seusai piknik, di tengah perjalanan terjadi kecelakaan. Kecelakaan itu merenggut. . ." mata Bibi Mikoto mulai berkaca-kaca.

"Ayah dan Kakaknya Sasuke," aku melanjutkan ucapan Bibi Mikoto, "Sudah, Bi. Semuanya telah berlalu. Kenangan itu memang tak boleh dilupakan, namun jangan membuat bibi menjadi sedih tapi harus membuat bibi semangat dan memandang ke depan. Lagi pula masih ada Sasuke yang sangat mencintai bibi," ucapku panjang lebar.

"Iya, kau benar. Cita-cita Itachi telah terwujud melalui Sasuke."

"I-iya, benar."

"Kau gadis baik, Hinata."

"Ah, terima kasih atas pujiannya, Bi."

"Tidak, itu bukan pujian. Eh, bagaimana kalau kita melakukan sesuatu?"

"Me-melakukan apa, Bi?"

"Kau punya hobi?"

"A-aku suka membuat kue."

"Benarkah? Kalau begitu kita mempunyai hobi yang sama. Tapi sayangnya Sasuke tak suka
makanan manis. Jadi bibi membagi-bagikan kue buatan bibi ke para tetangga."

"Sasuke payah ya, Bi."

"Hahaha kau lucu sekali, Hinata-chan," bibi memanggilku dengan suffix
chan, "Tak apa kan bibi memanggilmu begitu. Supaya lebih akrab."

"I-iya tak apa, Bi."

"Kalau begitu ayo kita membuat kue bersama. Lalu kita paksa Sasuke memakannya. Hehehe. ." ucapnya terkikik geli.

"Ah, iya," aku ikutan terkikik.

Lalu kami pergi ke dapur. Ternyata rumah Sasuke lumayan luas juga. Halaman depannya juga cukup luas mengingat jarak dari pintu rumah ke pintu gerbang kira-kira 20 meter.

Aku mengenakan apron putih polos yang tadi diberikan Bibi Mikoto. Kemudian aku mencuci tanganku.

"Baiklah, kue apa yang akan kita buat?" tanya Bibi Mikoto sambil mengenakan apronnya.

"Err. . . Terserah bibi saja."

"Kau harus bisa membuat suatu keputusan, Hinata-chan."

"Ah, baiklah. Bagaimana kalau chocolate cookies?"

"Ide bagus. Ayo kita buat."

Aku menakar bahan-bahan yang akan digunakan, sedangkan Bibi Mikoto menyiapkan peralatan masaknya.

"Setelah lulus nanti, apa rencanamu? Kalian tak langsung menikah kan. Eh, maksud bibi kau masih akan melanjutkan sekolahmu, kan?"

"Eh, itu. . . I-iya, Bi. Aku ingin lanjut kuliah bidang pastry di Belanda."

"Apa sudah kau pikirkan baik-baik?"


"Sasuke sudah tahu hal ini?"

"Be-belum. Akan kuberi tahu nanti, Bi."

"Belanda? Jauh sekali. Bukankah di sini juga ada?"

"I-iya. Sebenarnya orang tuaku tinggal di Belanda. Mereka punya toko kue di sana. Lagi pula
rencananya aku hanya akan menetap di sana 1 tahun, lalu kembali ke sini lagi."

"Kalau begitu, lakukanlah apa yang kau inginkan. Kau masih muda, harus melakukan banyak

"I-iya, Bi. Tapi maukah bibi berjanji 1 hal padaku?"


"Berjanjilah jangan memberi Sasuke pada gadis lain. Tunggu aku 1 tahun lagi, Bi. Hanya 1
tahun. Aku harus jadi seorang yang lebih dewasa lagi agar Sasuke bangga padaku."

"Hehehe kau benar-benar gadis kecilku, Hinata-chan. Dari dulu aku selalu memimpikan punya
anak perempuan," ucapan Bibi Mikoto melenceng jauh dari topik.

"Ah, Bibi . . ."

"Iya iya, baiklah. Bibi berjanji. Tapi kau sendiri harus menepati janjimu yah. Kau harus
membuat Sasuke bangga padamu. Supaya ia tak pergi ke gadis lain," ucap bibi menggodaku.

"Hehehe iya, Bi."

Membuat kue jadi lupa waktu. Tak terasa sudah pukul 5 sore. Tapi Sasuke belum juga

"Huh, lelahnya. . ." ucap Bibi Mikoto.

"Iya, Bi."

"Sebentar lagi makan malam. Kau makan saja di sini."

"Ah, baiklah. Biar kubantu menyiapkan makan malamnya, Bi," aku sudah tak canggung lagi
bicara dengan Bibi Mikoto.


Pukul 7 tepat, Sasuke tiba. Kami makan malam bersama setelah itu kami memaksa Sasuke
memakan chocolate cookies yang tadi kubuat bersama Bibi Mikoto. Setelah berhasil, Sasuke mengantarku pulang. Benar-benar hari yang menyenangkan.


Hari demi hari, bulan demi bulan, ujian demi ujian telah kulewati. Aku berhasil lulus dengan nilai yang memuaskan. Semua ini berkat Sasuke yang mati-matian mengajariku. Apalagi dalam pelajaran fisika.

Hari ini adalah hari upacara kelulusanku. Setelah upacara usai, aku janji bertemu Sasuke di kafe langganan kami. Aku berniat memberitahukan rencanaku untuk melanjutkan studi di
Belanda padanya.

Haah. . . Seperti biasa, dia terlambat lagi. Aku duduk sambil menopang dagu dan menikmati rum raisin chocolate ice cream. Menu yang selalu kupesan saat menunggunya.

"Menunggu lama?" suara Sasuke mengagetkanku.

"Eh, lumayan."

"Selamat ya. Kau sudah resmi bukan siswi SMA lagi."

"Hehe benar."



"Rencanamu selanjutnya?"

"Errr. . . Ano. Sebenarnya aku memutuskan untuk kuliah di Belanda mengambil jurusan 
pastry. Sekalian bertemu orang tuaku. Aku merindukan mereka."

"Belanda? Lalu bagaimana denganku?"

"Eh? Mak-maksudmu?"

"Kalau kau pergi, bagaimana denganku dan hubungan kita?"

"Hanya 1 tahun kok. 1 tahun," ucapku meyakinkannya.

"1 tahun bukanlah waktu yang singkat," ucapnya menautkan alisnya.

Dia seperti anak kecil yang ingin ditinggal ibunya saja. Lucu sekali melihat sifatnya yang tiba-
tiba kekanakkan.

"I-iya, aku tahu. Tunggu aku. Aku akan berusaha keras. Aku ingin kau merasa bangga bila
memiliki istri sepertiku."

"Tapi, bagaimana kalau kita tak bertemu lagi?"

"Kalau kita berjodoh, pasti kita bertemu lagi. Lagipula, ikatan jodoh di antara kita cukup kuat
kok. Hehehe."


"Iya, aku sudah merasakannya kok," ucapku kembali mengingat awal pertemuan kami yang
dikarenakan hujan.

"Baiklah. Kau harus menjaga dirimu."


"Jangan lupa membalas emailku."


"Jangan nakal."

"Eh? Ba-baik."

"Jangan lupa kalau kau sudah punya kekasih."

"I-iya, baik. Kau juga yah."


"Kapan kau akan pergi?"

"Sekarang. Neji-nii sudah menungguku di luar. Dia akan mengantarku ke airport."

"Cepat sekali. . ."

"Ma-maaf baru memberitahumu sekarang," ucapku sambil menunduk.

"Iya, tak apa. Ingat pesanku tadi yah."

"I-iya. Baiklah, kalau begitu aku pergi sekarang," ucapku seraya bangkit dari dudukku.

"Hinata," Sasuke meraih pergelangan tanganku.

"Aku mencintaimu," ucapnya lalu mengecup keningku.

Ini kali pertamanya ia mengucapkan cinta padaku. Kali pertamanya pula ia mengecup
keningku. Tak terasa air mataku menetes. Dadaku terasa sesak. Rasanya berat sekali

"Kenapa menangis?" tanyanya sambil mengusap pipiku.

"Aku juga mencintaimu, Sasuke-kun," ucapku. Tangisku semakin menjadi-jadi.

"Sudah, jangan menangis. Aku akan menunggumu di sini."

"I-iya," ucapku sesenggukan.

"Pergilah. Nanti kau terlambat."


Walaupun rasanya berat, aku tetap melangkahkan kakiku. Kau harus kuat, Hinata. Hanya 1
tahun kok. Lagipula dalam 1 tahun itu kau harus berjuang menjadi seseorang yang bisa
dibanggakan Sasuke. Ya, Hinata kau pasti bisa.

- Setahun kemudian.

Aku sudah janjian dengan Sasuke di kafe langganan kami dulu. Ini kali pertama aku bertemu
dengan Sasuke setelah 1 tahun.
Hari ini juga bertepatan dengan anniversary kami yang ke dua. Ya, sekarang tanggal 2 April. Aku pulang lebih cepat dari yang direncanakan.

Aku membawa sekotak cookies yang kubuat. Ini bukan sembarangan cookies. Cookies
ini rasa tomat. Buah kesukaan Sasuke. Setelah bereksperimen selama 1 tahun kurang, aku berhasil membuat cookies rasa tomat. Walaupun menurutku rasanya agak aneh, tapi mungkin Sasuke menyukainya.

Aku berjalan semakin cepat seiring semakin sempit jarakku dengan kafe. Jantungku semakin berdegup kencang mengingat kalau aku akan menemui Sasuke.
Akhirnya aku sampai di depan kafe. Aku mendorong pintunya perlahan. Aku melihat sosok
Sasuke yang sedang duduk sambil menopang dagu. Dia masih sama seperti dulu. Tak ada yang berubah dari penampilannya. Dia melihat ke arahku dan tersenyum. Aku menghampirinya dan duduk di bangku yang berseberangan dengannya.

"Apa yang dilakukan seorang dokter super sibuk sepertimu di tempat ini?" tanyaku menggodanya.

"Aku sedang menunggu seseorang. Dia membuatku menunggu lama. Lama sekali," dia meladeni godaanku.

"Benarkah? Apa dia orang yang spesial?"


"Hanya lumayan?"

"Sebenarnya dia sangat spesial."

"Memangnya dia itu siapamu?"

"Dia kekasihku. Kau sendiri sedang apa di sini? Bukankah kau harus menemui kekasihmu
yang sudah lama menunggumu?"

"Tidak. Aku tidak ingin menemui kekasihku."


"Aku ingin menemui-"

"Calon suamimu, kan?" tanyanya lalu mengecup singkat bibirku.

Jantungku berdegup kencang sekali. Lebih kencang dari yang sebelum-sebelumnya.

"Will you marry me?" tanyanya sambil menyodorkan sebuah kotak kecil berwarna merah.

Dia membuka kotak itu. Memperlihatkan dua buah cincin putih dengan berlian yang sungguh indah.

"Yes, I will," jawabku mantap.

Oke, menikah di usiaku yang belum mencapai 20 tahun bukanlah sesuatu yang dapat kubayangkan. Tapi ini benar-benar terjadi. Seorang dokter tampan melamarku hari ini.
Bagaimana aku bisa menolak? Tentu tak akan.

"Eh, tapi Hinata. Itu baru latihan," ucapnya seraya mengantongi kotak cicinnya.

"Eh? Kau ini kenapa kadi kekanakkan begini? Bercanda denganku dengan cara seperti itu,"
aku memanyunkan bibirku.

"Aku akan melamarmu di depan orang tuamu."

Ya, orang tuaku ikut bersamaku pulang ke sini. Alasannya mudah, mereka rindu pada Hanabi
dan kampung halaman.

"Oke. Tapi jangan harap jawabannya sama."

"Kau marah?"


"Ini pertama kalinya kau marah padaku. Maaf ya. . ."

Eh? Benar juga, "Kalau ingin dimaafkan, kau harus makan ini," ucapku sambil menyodorkan
sebuah kotak.

"Apa ini?" tanyanya menautkan alis.

"Buka saja dan habiskan."


Sasuke membuka kotaknya perlahan, "Kue? Kau kan tahu aku tak suka makanan manis,"
ucapnya mendengus kesal.

"Itu rasa tomat. Salah satu hasil kreasiku setahun ini."

"Tomat? Baiklah, akan kucoba."

"Bagaimana?" tanyaku penasaran.

"Aneh juga makan cookies rasa tomat."


"Tidak buruk kok walaupun agak aneh."

"Maaf kalau rasanya pas-pasan. Aku sudah berusaha semaksimal mungkin."

"Tapi aku suka kok," ucapnya sambil mengambil potongan kue yang kedua.


"Iya. Aku yakin kalau berlatih terus pasti bisa membuat yang lebih enak."

"Ok. Aku akan berusaha."

"Ini cobalah," ucapnya sambil menyodorkan kue ke mulutku.

"Tidak ah. Tadi aku sudah membubuhi racun ke dalamnya."

"Eh? Kau bercanda?"

"Aku serius. Aku telah membubuhi racun cintaku agar kau tak dapat lari dariku. Hahaha. . ."

"Hah, kau ini. Ternyata 1 tahun di Belanda membuatmu sedikit berubah."


"Iya. Kau jadi lebih percaya diri. Aku bangga padamu."

"Kalau begitu, aku berhasil."

"Ingat ini belum berakhir. Perjalanan kita masih panjang," ucapnya lalu melahap kuenya lagi.

"Haha iya. Kita pasti bisa melaluinya."

Ini baru awal dari perjalanan cinta kami. Ini belum ada apa-apanya. Kisah cinta sesungguhnya
adalah ketika kami menikah nanti. Saat itulah akan ada banyak tantangan. Mulai dari sekarang, peliharalah cinta yang ada dalam dirimu masing-masing. Hal itulah yang akan menentukan seberapa besar dan kuatnya cintamu nanti. Aku dan Sasuke telah memulainya. Bagaimana denganmu?

Yah inilah sepenggal kisah cintaku bersama Sasuke, seorang dokter yang usianya terpaut 10 tahun denganku.


Sabtu, 03 September 2011

All Grown Up! Characters


Similar to Susie's talent for singing, Tommy also has a newfound talent: making films with his camcorder (perhaps a residue trait leftover from wanting to be like Nigel). A few episodes have been made around this fact: "Truth or Consequences" (first US tx: November 30, 2003), revealed he made his first film at the age of 37 months, then making a negative film about his friends. The main storyline of "Brother, Can You Spare The Time?" (first US tx: January 17, 2004) opened with him mentioning recently winning a young filmmaker's award; and one storyline in the episode "Bad Aptitude" (first US tx: June 4, 2004) was about Tommy's sudden early retirement from filmmaking after making a flop and receiving an unfavorable (for his filmmaking aspirations) result on his career aptitude exam. However, he has not been seen with his camcorder since "The Big Score" (first US tx: April 25, 2005), when he was filming Lil at the soccer field.
In the episode "Thief Encounter" (first US tx: December 6, 2003), he was discovered to be stealing goods from around the neighborhood, but that was because he was sleep walking; in "River Rats" (first US tx: December 13, 2003), he was shown to be afraid of water, stemming from an experience during a fishing outing with his grandpa; in "Dude, Where's My Horse?" (first US tx: July 16, 2005), he was the worst cowboy out of the regulars (always roping up Lil).
Up until early Season 2, Tommy was also either shown or mentioned as being part of the school soccer team, even trying to teach Dil how to play ("Fools Rush In", first US tx: June 5, 2004). Lately (more specifically since the episode "The Big Score"), however, all the focus on soccer has involved only Phil and Lil DeVille. He had his first kiss with Olivia in episode 26, "Fear of Falling". Also it is shown that he might have feelings for his friend Kimi Finster in the episode "TP + KF".


Tommy now has purple hair like his father, Stu. From season 2 onwards, his hair was changed to a lighter purple color. For season one, he wears a white shirt with yellow sleeves. For later seasons, Tommy (like most characters) expanded his wardrobe and began wearing many different outfits. He still keeps his screwdriver he had as a baby in his pocket. More recently, he had a keychain with a screwdriver on it.

Love interests

  • Olivia: Tommy meets Olivia for the only time whilst on vacation in the episode "Fear of Falling". After she develops a huge crush on Tommy, he spends nearly all his time with her and she eventually provides him with his first kiss.
  • Rachel: Tommy fell deeply in love with Rachel in the episode "Rachel, Rachel" after they met each other at Hebrew school. They were both there to prepare for their respective Bar and Bat Mitzvahs. They soon became official boyfriend and girlfriend before breaking up in the final season episode "All Broke Up". In "All Broke Up", Tommy also shows an interest in another girl called Anita.
  • Kimi Finster: In the episode "TP + KF", it is shown that Tommy might have feelings for Kimi and vice versa. It is revealed in that episode that Kimi had written TP + KF on her garage wall.

Dil Pickles

At 9 years of age, Dil may still be the youngest of the gang, but he has come a long way from when he was a 3 month old. Dil now has red hair like his mom, and he has developed an unusual personality (caused by either being dropped on his head as a baby by Phil and Lil, or by his DNA from his father Stu's side of the family, as evidenced in "Truth or Consequences" when Vice Principal Pangborn analyzed him). Dil had an imaginary alien friend in Izzy in the episode "Izzy or Isn't He?". Dil has a pet goldfish called Pablo and in "Lucky 13", Dil showed that he is fascinated by dolphins, believing that they share "a bond with our alien brethren", showing to be inspired by Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy. In the episode "The Big Score", Dil becomes the mascot for the middle school soccer team by dressing up as various animals, including a slug and a monkey not unlike the Los Angeles Angels' Rally Monkey. Dil, in fact added soccer to the list of favorite sports early on in the series (since then however, most of the soccer is focused on Phil and Lil DeVille). Dil is a team laser tag player, as shown in the episode "Tommy Foolery". Dil also shows his side as an inventor in "Tweenage Tycoons", proving that Dil is a smart boy.
Dil believes strongly in aliens and the supernatural, and he actually gets to interact with an extraterrestrial race in the episode "Tommy Foolery". Dil also believes strongly in the theory of karma and has tried to train Angelica to build up her karmic residue to get rid of a zit on her cheek (It's Karma, Dude). Dil celebrates both Jewish and Christian holidays (Hanukkah and Christmas for example), this is due to his Father and Mother being Christian and Jewish, respectively. In fact, in the Christmas episode of All Grown Up!, Dil and Tommy wrote a Hanukkah song and performed it after Susie sang the first verse of The First Noel.
Dil is not only an unusual boy; but he also is a mix of several international cultures. Thanks to his unusual behavior and originality, it's been thought that Dil was intended to be a breakout character. This happened on the last seasons of the show which most of the storylines included him and even in the last series episode "All Broke Up" he masterminded both plots. As a result, Dil was ranked number one in the most recent poll for favorite character. In the episode "Brothers Grimm", it shows Dil writing left-handed.

Multi-cultural practices

Dil loves embracing different cultures. It is known that he wears a sherpa hat (as evidenced in "A DeVille House Divided") in almost every episode, and he wears the kilt part of Scottish culture and in the episode "Memoirs Of A Finster", he was seen eating with chopsticks and wearing Japanese shoes and wearing a Mexican poncho. On "Dude, Where's my Horse?", it is known that Dil is also interested in different languages like Spanish (which is the language of one of his favorite Soap Opera "¡Hospital de Tentacion!" ) and Portuguese as seen in "Curse of Reptar".

Role as a little brother

During the series Dil has changed his role of little brother, on Season 1 and 2 we saw a continuity of how Dil looked up to Tommy, in All Grown Up he worshiped Tommy until Season 3 where Dil seems to get independence from his own brother, on Season 4 he finally breaks that feeling of worshiping and on Season 5 the rivalry of the brothers is more seen as Dil is totally independent from his brother, and as seen in Golden Boy he shows that he can be better than Tommy in almost everything, and defeating him in the forest with his skills that include: Talking to animals, constructing campers with things he can find in the forest etc.

Gift of invention

Like his father Stu before him, Dil Pickles possesses the gift of invention. However, Dil's inventions tend to be somewhat as weird as he is. "Tweenage Tycoons" featured many of these inventions:
  • The "BeltQuarium", a belt-like aquarium that Dil built so he could keep an eye on his pet goldfish, Pablo.
  • "Shades With a View", shades that act somewhat like Fisher-Price's View-Master toy, with is a button on the top of the lens which allows the user to flip through different slides.
  • "Shillows", as Dil describes them, "shoes with pillows".
  • A tie with a watch face that allowed the wearer to quickly glance downwards and see the time, instead of lifting his hands to see the time.
The episode "All Broke Up" also shows him inventing a board game called "Impatience".
Also, another invention appeared briefly in "Truth or Consequences" that allowed Dil to read while walking backwards on his hands. As Dil passed by, it prompted Phil to ask, "I wonder what Dil would be like if we never dropped him on his head?"
Also in "Tweenage Tycoons", there were also several inventions and ideas that Dil considered during his inventor's block, that didn't turn out so well (some of which didn't even leave the drawing board!):
  • Talking socks
  • Blinking underwear
  • Mayonnaise Wallpaper
  • Ideas during his brief "normal" phase which had been done before like a rubber band ball, a file cabinet, and glue.

Angelica Pickles

In the spin-off series All Grown Up! 13 year old Angelica's personality has clearly made some minor edits to itself as a part of Angelica's maturity; she now wears her hair down, she goes after boys more often (in the Rugrats, though, she was shown to have crushes on a few toddler boys), and has grown out of the habit of carrying her doll Cynthia around (although in one episode of All Grown Up! Angelica desperately tried to get Cynthia back because her mother gave Cynthia away). Still, a few parts of Angelica's former personality remained; she is still very bossy, spoiled, and mean, but now to a lesser degree due in part to the fact that she has lost her leverage in that the former babies can now talk with the adults. Angelica commonly wears a purple shirt with light purple sleeves, a blue skirt with green polka dots and purple clogs. Angelica is still envious of Susie, mainly because of Susie's excellent singing abilities. But still, like they sometimes did in the Rugrats series, they sometimes stick together when something isn't right.

Chuckie Finster

Since he got older, Chuckie has been wearing braces for his teeth (which is expected to be for "2.5 years", according to Chuckie's statement in the episode "Susie Sings The Blues" in All Grown Up! and before that in the episode "All Growed Up" in Rugrats). He still considers Tommy his best friend. One difference is that he is not as close to his dad as he used to be (as seen in the episode "Saving Cynthia"). Notable storylines for Chuckie include partnering with Angelica on a social-studies project (As seen in the episode "Project Chuckie"), entering the safety commissioner election against an imaginary friend, inexplicably dropped without even mentioning the final result (As seen in the episode "Izzy or Isn't He?"), and dragging in what looked like a trashed Christmas tree (As seen in the episode "The Finster Who Stole Christmas").

Kimi Finster

In All Grown Up!, set approximately nine years later, Kimi grew up to some extent. Kimi is still adventurous and free spirited and has also grown to be spunky, independent and more aware of other's feelings. She's very athletic; for example, at a ski resort, while Angelica signed up for spa-like activities, Kimi signed up for "daring" activities like rock climbing.
She had a tendency to buck the trend on how she feels about and treats less popular kids, including Z, and never judges people for their appearances. She was also portrayed as being supportive of her best friend Susie when she was in need. When Susie is having problems, Kimi is usually there to help. However, she is also portrayed as having a tendency to hold grudges. Angelica Pickles could be considered somewhat of an associate, but grudgingly so on Kimi's behalf. Kimi is shown to be a born opportunist, ready to take advantage of any opportunity life offers. A classic example can be found in the episode, "Chuckie's In Love", where she sees a chance to attend a Sulky Boys record signing with Lil by letting Chuckie take over her shift (which, incidentally, falls at the same time as the signing) in exchange for a makeover. Kimi works part-time at the Java Lava, her family's coffee shop, with her brother, Chuckie, her father, Chas (who is the owner of the Java Lava) and Betty Deville.


Kimi first has medium length hair that is left loose but with a section in a ponytail. During season 2 and onward, Kimi began to change her hair styles much more. She's not afraid to be expressive with her clothing, going so far as to getting a pink fauxhawk in the episode Bad Kimi which she keeps just for that episode. She dresses in very funky clothing, a mix of punk/glamour rock with a touch of skatergirl.

Love Interests

Kimi revealed in "TP + KF" that she carved the said initials in the Finsters' cellar years ago when she had a crush on Tommy. This hints that Kimi and Tommy might have feelings for each other.


Kimi Finster is a Japanese-American. Kimi speaks her native language, Japanese, on All Grown Up very briefly on the episode 'Memoirs of a Finster' when she does a report on her Japanese heritage. It was during the episode that it was revealed her parents are divorced and her birth father still lives in Japan.

Susie Carmichael


When Susie sang at Didi's baby shower in the first movie, it was the first time that she displayed her talent for singing, a talent that would later become the most important part of her character.
But in 2003, when the spin-off All Grown Up! was put into production, a press release for the show [2] announced that "smart, spunky Susie (Cree Summer), still a crusader for what's right, and upstages Angelica as a singer with real talent", which implied an increased role for Susie in the new spin-off. Besides her singing talent, it was revealed that she also knows ten languages, as shown in the episode "Runaround Susie".
The very first episode of the regular run, "Susie Sings The Blues", concerned Susie and her singing talent. Since then, she has appeared in a majority of the episodes (although still in less than the other characters). This may be explained by the fact that by the time All Grown Up! premiered, Summer had less regular roles on other shows.
Also, while Susie and Angelica still treat each other as rivals (especially at singing, see "Susie Sings The Blues" and "It's Karma, Dude!" for cases in point), the two actually hang out with each other. Angelica has become jealous of Susie's singing. On the other token, Susie has become somewhat of a "best" friend to Angelica. Susie helps Angelica find her doll in "Saving Cynthia".

Phil and Lil DeVille

Before All Grown Up!, a few Rugrats stories touched on attempts to either differentiate the twins personality-wise ("Twins Pique", 1993), or physically separate them ("Together at Last", 1992).
However, separating the twins only got serious in the new spin-off. Its premiere, "Coup DeVille" (first US tx: April 12, 2003), was focused on the twins. Lil strongly retaliated at being paired with Phil on a science project, as well as being treated "like a single package" with Phil, and even refused a trip to Twins Canyon with her family on that principle. This episode also repeated the "Lil is older" fact from the original series, and also revealed Lil to have an even longer name than was previously let on: Lillian Marie Jill DeVille. Lil moved to a separate bedroom in this episode.
Since then, the twins have evolved distinctly different personalities. Although she loves her brother, Lil is embarrassed by Phil at times. Phil still enjoys repulsive objects (although he is beyond eating worms and insects, he once won a science fair by growing mold on cheese and socks), and has been referred to as "socially inept", while Lil is beginning to find interest in boys and become more social, and she has also picked up an interest in sports, particularly soccer.
In the episode "A DeVille House Divided," Phil had a brief romance with Wally, a fellow soccer teammate and friend of Lil's.
Referencing their baby days when their favorite thing was to eat worms, Phil & Lil's favorite food in All Grown Up is Spaghetti.
In the episode Susie Goes Bad Lite, it is revealed that Phil is a good cook.

All Grown Up! Episodes

Season Episodes Season Premiere Season Finale

1 12 April 12, 2003 June 4, 2004

2 13 October 23, 2004 December 7, 2004

3 10 February 12, 2005 July 16, 2005

4 10 October 10, 2005 November 20, 2007

5 10 November 21, 2007 August 17, 2008


Pilot: 2001

# Episode Original Airdate (USA)
0. All Growed Up August 11, 2001

Season 1: 2003-2004

# Episode Original Airdate (USA) Short Summary
1. Coupe DeVille April 12, 2003 Lil is invited to a party with all of the popular kids from school, provided her brother does not come with her, as the kids believe he is “socially inept” and “hygienically challenged”. Lil begins to pull away from Phil, even though he tries to remain close to her. When Phil and Lil are partnered together for a science project, Lil freaks out and angrily reminds everyone that she and Phil are separate individuals and not a single person, much to Phil's embarrassment. When their parents, Betty and Howard, arrive home excited for their family vacation trip to 'Nick and Dick’s Twin Canyon Resort' Lil refuses to go. Betty, upset that Lil is unhappy, allows Lil to move into the family’s office/workout room to give her a space of her own. However, Phil struggles to deal with the changes and misses having Lil in his life, despite Dil’s attempts to become Phil’s new twin. When Lil goes to her party, her new friends begin to make fun of Phil, which makes Lil realise how close to her brother she really is and she leaves the party after telling off the popular kids. In the end, she agrees to go to ‘Twin’s Canyon’ with Phil. Meanwhile, Chuckie struggles to complete the ‘President Fitness Test’ and resents the embarrassment of gym class. The next day, Chuckie refuses to attend gym class (by pretending to be sick) to take a stand against the ‘Presidential Fitness Test’, despite Tommy’s objections. The day after that Chuckie hides out in the boy’s bathroom, but breaks one of the pipes in an attempt to see out the window. The bathroom becomes flooded but Chuckie is able to hold the pipes together for over an hour, which impresses Pangborn, however, he still expects Chuckie to take the test in a few days.
2. Susie Sings the Blues November 29, 2003 After meeting a woman from a talent agency, Susie begins to believe that she has the talent needed to become an international pop star. The woman tells Susie that she has many perspective clients ready to meet her, provided she pays $1,000. Unable to come up with the money on her own or ask her parents for it, she turns to her older sister, Alisa, who has been saving up for a house. Alisa agrees to give her the money, however, when Susie arrives at the building she was told to meet at, she discovers it is deserted. Completely devastated, Susie goes home and tells her sister about the lost money. Alisa is understanding, but angry that Susie put her life at risk. Despite her setback, Susie goes onstage at Chas and Betty’s cafe, the Java Lava, for a talent night and is a huge success. Meanwhile, after seeing a group of students getting punished for a school prank Chuckie decides that he is tired of playing it safe and decides to reinvent himself as Chuck - a boy who is not afraid of taking risks. With the reluctant help of Tommy, Chuckie superglues all of the basketball team’s sneakers to the bathroom ceiling but does not get caught for the prank. So Chuckie and Tommy rig the soda and ice cream machines to explode all over Vice Principal Pangborn and replace his diploma with a photocopy of Chuckie’s butt. When they go to his office, the boys discover that Pangborn is a closet poet and inadvertently encourage him to read some of his works at the Java Lava. Inspired by Chuckie’s daringness, Pangborn only tells the boys to clean up their mess, much to Chuckie’s disappointment.
3. Bad Kimi November 29, 2003 In Science class, while building grapefruit batteries, the school bad-boy, Z, explodes his causing bits to become lodged in Chuckie’s nose. When Chuckie has to go to the nurse, the teacher, Mr. Beaker, partners Kimi with Z for the experiment. Kimi hits it off with Z, whom she admires for being an individual. Chuckie, however, is horrified at the thought of Kimi hanging around with a “bad-boy”, however the rest of the gang encourage him not to judge a book by its cover. Chuckie is not convinced and encourages them to help him spy on Z. When they look in his locker, they find it full of electronics, which Chuckie believes to be stolen. Chuckie later skips class and follows Z to the arcade and records him telling a sketchy guy to meet him at the alley behind the warehouse on 10th. When Chuckie learns that Kimi plans on meeting Z that night, he lets her listen to the tape of Z’s mysterious plans. Kimi pretends to be heartbroken and goes into the bathroom, but sneaks out the window to meet him. When Chuckie and the boys arrive in the alley, Chuckie catches Z and Kimi entering a truck with a lot of merchandise. Scared for his sister, Chuckie swerves his bike in front of the truck causing it to stop. When he confronts Z he finds out that the merchandise is for charity to help raise money for inner-city schools and that the sketchy man is Z’s dad. Kimi is angry and says she will never forgive Chuckie, but Z encourages her to cut her friends and brother some slack since they only did what they did because they cared about her. Meanwhile, Angelica wants to attend a new accessory store’s opening at the mall, but she has her online advice chat at the same time. Reluctantly, she agrees to let her friend, Harold, take over her chat for the night. Harold realises he enjoys helping people and is hurt when Angelica comes back the next day to resume her duties. Susie helps Harold set up his own advice column called “Hey Harold!” much to Angelica’s disapproval. Although, when Harold gets his own column, he realises that he cannot take the pressure of trying to help everyone and tells Angelica she can have her own column back.
4. Tweenage Tycoons November 29, 2003 To earn money to buy concert tickets for the Sulky Boys, the gang sell products based on Dil's ideas. First Dil invents Belt-quariums (a belt with a fish inside), but this idea is soon stolen by Angelica, who is also trying to earn money for the Sulky Boys merchandise and goes out of fashion because Vice Principle Pangborn has one. Then Dil invents Shades with a View (glasses with changing scenery) but they go out of fashion once a cheerleader is wearing them and accidentally hugs a chess clubber. The gang gets Dil to come up with a new invention to which he invents Shillows (shoes with pillows) after spying Angelica and Harold make copies of the shoes, but Harold calls them Poos (another mixture of pillows and shoes), but the school news paper writes a reports saying that Shillows are not cool anymore. The gang needs Dil to come up with a new invention so that they can get enough money for all of them to go to the concert, but he has a breakdown and cannot come up with anything. After the gang tries to come up with ideas themselves Nicole tells them that the Belt-quariums are back in and they manage to sell enough stuff to go to the concert. Angelica decides to stick one of the band members faces from the Sulky Boys(JT) on all of the things that she copied from Dil and gets enough money for the Sulky Boys merchandise.
5 Truth or Consequences November 29, 2003 Tommy becomes excited when he learns about an upcoming film contest that is going to be judged by his favorite director, Martin Costomiris. His parents, Didi and Stu, encourage him to enter, but Tommy is unsure of what kind of movie he wants to make. Eventually he decides on a sci-fi thriller about aliens, staring his friends. However, he quickly becomes frustrated by his friends constant bickering and unprofessionalism. He realises that filming his friends’ secret conversations is more film worthy than his sci-fi thriller. When reviewing the footage, Dil tells Tommy he does not think that entering the footage about their friends’ secrets would be a very good idea. Angelica comes over one day demanding to see the tape when Tommy is not home. When Angelica sees the tapes she calls over the whole gang to watch it, who except for Chuckie and Dil, are all outraged that Tommy would consider entering their private moments into the competition. Tommy refuses to destroy the tape and his friends storm out and give Tommy the cold shoulder for the next couple of days. The film Tommy enters for the competition, A Day before the Day of the Life of My Friends, features bloopers from his earlier attempt at making a movie and clips of the gang as babies. Tommy did not win the competition but he got a picture of him with his favourite director and he got his friends back. Meanwhile, Vice Principal Pangborn wants to spend more time observing Dil’s behaviour as he finds it disturbing. However, his attempts to delve into Dil’s mind using traditional methods are frustrating. Pangborn calls Stu and Didi into his office and tells them that he recommends Dil have some counselling. Didi is outraged that Pangborn would consider changing her son into a generic boy without any originality. She praises Dil for seeing the world differently and storms out, leaving Pangborn cowering behind a file shelf.
6. Chuckie's in Love December 6, 2003 Chuckie has a crush Nicole Boscerelli, but he is afraid to talk to her because she does not notice his existence. Desperate, he goes to Kimi for help on changing his image to get Nicole to notice him. She agrees with the condition that Chuckie takes her shift at the Java Lava so she can go to a concert with Lil. With the confidence he receives from his new disguise he develops an alter ego as foreign exchange student, Chongo, when he introduces himself to her. Tommy tells Chuckie he does not need to become a different person to impress Nicole and that Nicole does not really like Chuckie but the fictional Chongo. Chuckie is convinced that he can keep the charade going. One afternoon when working at the Java Lava Nicole comes in for a smoothie and spends time talking about Chongo to Chuckie and tells him that she appreciates his great listening skills. With his success in talking to her Chuckie decides to tell Nicole that he is really Chongo, but when he arrives, Nicole insists that Chongo meet her new friend Chuck… from the Java Lava. Chuckie tries to keep switching between Chongo and himself but is caught by Nicole who is angry at him for lying to her but stills wants to be friends with him regardless. Angelica becomes a reporter on the school newspaper and decides to write a story about the weird school cafeteria food. Angelica’s article is widely received by the students, causing them to avoid the school’s cafeteria food. Pepe, the school’s head chef, agrees to make normal food in exchange for a positive article about him in the school paper. Angelica agrees, but when Pepe attempts to make the food blindfolded he accidentally puts egg shells, dish soap, and other unusual items into the food. When the students taste it the next day, they agree the food is weird free and they eat it, until later when they are all sick. They all agree that the weird food never made them sick and kick Angelica off the school newspaper. Absent: Dil Pickles and Susie Carmichael
7. Thief Encounter December 6, 2003 There is a thief who has been stealing things from gardens, so Betty DeVille sets up a neighbourhood watch to catch the thief. Tommy and the gang think that the thief is Dil after Tommy finds Susie’s bike in their garage and the Deville’s garden gnome in Dil’s room. Dil keeps denying that he is the thief, so Tommy holds a sleepover inviting Chuckie, Phil and Lil to stay over and help him catch Dil. As well as catch Dil in the act Tommy, Phil and Lil are studying for the Standardised Test and are freaking out. It turns out that the thief was Tommy, but only because he was sleepwalking due to the amount of stress that he was under from studying for the Standardised Test. Meanwhile, Angelica becomes a mentor to a toddler with a similar personality to herself at that age.
8. River Rats December 13, 2003 Betty and Chas take Tommy, Chuckie and Phil white-water rafting. It is discovered that Tommy is not the big brave hero that everyone thinks he is as he has a fear of water, but he confronts his fear when he saves Phil from drowning. Absent: Dil Pickles, Kimi Finster, Lil DeVille, Angelica Pickles and Susie Carmichael
9. Brother, Can You Spare the Time? January 17, 2004 Tommy wins the National Junior Director’s Chair Award for his short film, Kaleidoscope Lunch. However, Dil is saddened by Tommy’s success because he feels that he and Tommy are growing apart and that he will be forgotten when Tommy becomes famous. So he decides to spend as much time with Tommy as he possibly can, much to Tommy annoyance. Finally Tommy cracks and tells Dil that he is acting ridiculous and that nothing between them as brothers was going to change. Despite this, Dil cannot help but feel that he will eventually be forgotten, so he decides to begin preparing for a life without Tommy. He attempts to hang out with the other 4th grade kids, since he usually hangs out with Tommy and his friends, but they think that he’s too strange. Tommy begins to get groupies, who obsessively follow him around. When he is in the back room of the Java Lava with Chuckie they see that Dil is a guest on the new hit show, ‘What’s Your Tragedy?’ Tommy and Chuckie go to the studio and Tommy publicly apologizes for his behaviour. The conniving talk show host tries to convince Dil to dump Tommy and he almost does until Tommy drags him backstage to talk. Dil admits that he is ashamed of being different and that he fears losing Tommy being as Tommy is the only one who understands him. Tommy reminds Dil that it is the different people in the world that make the biggest difference in life. They leave the talk show and go to Tommy’s surprise party at the Java Lava. Meanwhile, the adults and the rest of the gang are planning a surprise party for Tommy to celebrate his win. This is hard for Chuckie who has a hard time lying so the gang attempt to teach him how to lie without much success. So they enlist Angelica’s help to teach him how to do so. Chuckie succeeds and actually becomes a decent liar however he decides that he prefers telling the truth to lying.
10. The Old and the Restless January 24, 2004 Grandpa Lou chaperons Tommy's class field trip to the Human Body Museum. Tommy becomes embarrassed, because Grandpa Lou is quite slow as he is a lot older now than he used to be, so they do not get to do everything there is at the museum and he keeps telling old stories, which no ones finds interesting. Sean, his friend and Tommy sneak off and Sean makes them go to a part of the museum that is out of bounds. They get trapped and Grandpa Lou saves them in a way that reminds Tommy of some of the war stories that Grandpa Lou had told him. Tommy then forgives Grandpa Lou for embarrassing him. Meanwhile, Dil has to go to hospital with a burping disorder.
11. It's Cupid, Stupid February 14, 2004 There is a Valentine's Day dance. Dil makes friends with the new boy Lil’ Q, guest star Lil' Romeo, who is a hacky sacker, but his hacky sacky turns out to be cupid’s arrow. Chuckie is planning to ask Nicole to the dance, but while Dil is helping Lil Q with his hacky sacky aiming Lil’ Q goes to hit Nicole’s book, but he accidentally hits Nicole making her fall in love with Tommy. Chuckie gets angry with Tommy and they fall out. Angelica is scheming to get the boy of her dreams, Sean Butler, into asking her to the dance, but while she’s talking to him Nicole, Tommy and Chuckie are walking passed, so Lil’ Q tries to undo his mistake earlier, but this time instead of hitting Nicole with his hacky sacky he hits Sean on the head and he falls in love with Susie (who is sitting on a bench). Later at the Java Lava Angelica warns Kimi to keep Susie away from Z, because Susie is a boy stealer. Kimi tells Angelica that there is not anything to worry about because she, Susie and Z are just friends. Lil’ Q and Dil are practising throwing the hacky sacky around the Java Lava and when Lil’ Q throws it he hits Z who is carrying smoothies back to their table. He immediately falls in love with Susie and he and Sean argue over who is taking Susie to the dance and Kimi gets upset because she likes Z. Eventually at the dance Lil’ Q and Dil fix all of their problems, so Nicole asks Chuckie to dance and Z asks Kimi, but when they hit Sean with the hacky sacky nothing happens, but Angelica orders him to dance anyway. Phil asks Tommy to dance with Lil, so he could get a snack.
12. Tommy Foolery March 27, 2004 The kids prank Dil into thinking aliens have contacted him and they are speaking to him through Tommy. Angelica schemes to be paired with Sean at the Spring Fling school dance.

Season 2: 2004

# Episode Original Airdate (USA) Short Summary
13. Bad Aptitude June 4, 2004 Tommy and the gang take an aptitude test to get a clue as to what they want to be when they grow up. After Tommy’s film does badly at the showing in the Java Lava he decides to give up his dream of film making and become a business man, like the aptitude test told him. Chuckie's a dare devil. Lil's a wedding planner. Phil's a male model. Dil's a public speaker. Kimi's a film critic. Everyone’s career plans do not turn out according to plan, but Tommy is becoming quite successful in being a business man with the school’s business group, BLEK. But all becomes clear during Tommy’s marketing scheme of ‘Lightning Chuck’, where Tommy takes his camcorder back and leaves the BLEK club.
14. Fools Rush In June 5, 2004 An older girl, Francine, publicly humiliates Tommy. At first he does not know why, but then Lil and Kimi convince Tommy that Francine has a crush on him. When he finds out that Francine did not have a crush on him, she humiliates him even more. In the end it becomes apparent that she was only humiliating him because he had cut her scene in one of his films. Once they discuss the misunderstanding they become friends. Meanwhile Angelica tries to increase her website's popularity with embarrassing and humiliating pictures of people.
15. Memoirs of a Finster June 12, 2004 On being given a family tree project Chuckie and Kimi are excited that they only have one piece of homework between them as they are brother and sister. However Kimi discovers her Japanese heritage and decides that she and Chuckie should work on separate projects, because she is studying all of her biological family’s side, not her half father’s side (Chuckie’s dad). At first Chuckie is supportive of his sister, but after she drags the Finster family into a charade for the schools culture festival, which humiliates them, Chuckie becomes annoyed and wants his old sister back. Meanwhile Tommy meets a new kid called Trevor who behaves a lot like him.
16. Miss Nose it All June 17, 2004 Angelica has been invited to one of Savannah's parties, and must find a dress that she has not already worn. While working at the hospital she trips and breaks her nose. Not wanting to be seen by anyone, because she has a cast on her nose she fakes having a crazy illness after seeing it on a drama on the hospital television. She then meets a small boy in the hospital, who has greater problems than herself and sees that she is being selfish by pretending to be ill so that she can stay in the hospital and not be seen by Savannah and her friends. Meanwhile Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, Lil and Kimi help Miss O’Keefe to make a tranquillity garden.
17-18. Interview With a Campfire (Part One and Two) June 26, 2004 Camp Everwood seems like the perfect opportunity for Tommy's horror movie to take flight, especially when they learn the curse of Camp Everwood. The camp package contains brain-eating zombies, missing settlers, creepy pioneer Rock, the worst musical in history [Starring—who else? Angelica Pickles], and a mystery that is just dying to be solved. But when people start to go missing, can Tommy and the gang figure out just what happened on that same soil, over 100 years ago?
19. Runaround Susie July 17, 2004 Susie is forced to choose between singing at the TV Talent Show, and leading her language team to victory in the language bowl, which is held on the same day. Meanwhile, Lil makes Phil pose as her to tell a nerdy boy, Geoffrey, that she does not like him.
20. Lucky 13 August 28, 2004 The prettiest, most popular girl in school, Savannah, decides to throw her party on the same day as Angelica's. Tommy and Chucky use Savannah's obsession with Senor Jumping Bean to ruin her plan.
21. Saving Cynthia October 2, 2004 Angelica gets a new design for her room. Her mother, Charlotte, accidentally misunderstood her when she said, "All the toys." Now that Angelica realizes that she misses Cynthia, she goes out to find her. After getting in trouble, Tommy and Chuckie have to water Pangborn's plant, but end up destroying his PDA.
22. The Science Pair November 6, 2004 Tommy’s school have a Science fair and Tommy has an idea to create a machine that can sort socks by colour so that you never end out wearing odd socks. After asking his dad, Stu, for a little advice Stu becomes a little too helpful and takes over. Stu takes over so much that Tommy has to admit that the project is no longer his design at the prize giving event. Meanwhile Lil has a crush on a idiot named Nicholas, who asks to work with her on her Science project.
23. Izzy or Isn't He? November 27, 2004 Chuckie runs for School Safety Commissioner. Dil has an imaginary alien friend, Izzy. Izzy becomes popular with the kids in school, despite him being imaginary. Someone then nominates Izzy for Safety Commissioner too. After Izzy becomes more popular than Chuckie, Chuckie relies on his friends to help him win, but even they are backing Izzy. Chuckie becomes annoyed that his friends would rather have an imaginary Safety Commissioner than they would him. While mowing the lawn Chuckie accidentally runs over Izzy and everyone holds a funeral for the imaginary alien, but Dil announces to the school that Izzy would have wanted Chuckie to be the new Safety Commissioner. Once everyone is gone Dil secretly tells Chuckie that Izzy is not really dead.
24. Project Chuckie November 27, 2004 Angelica tries to help Chuckie become more popular for a school project, but it backfires when he takes her advice, and he becomes more popular than her. Meanwhile Tommy has written a play for the school’s History assembly and has cast Phil, Lil, Kimi and Dil to play people in history.
25. The Finster Who Stole Christmas December 7, 2004 As the holiday season approaches, Chuckie is dreading another forgettable Christmas. In order to liven things up, he mistakenly steals a great tree (to replace the lame one his dad has picked out). When he discovers that the whole community is after the thief, he hatches a plan to rectify the situation. Tommy and Dil write a Hanukkah song.

Season 3: 2005

# Episode Original Airdate (USA) Short Summary
26. Fear of Falling February 12, 2005 On a trip to a mountain resort, Tommy develops his first crush on a girl named Olivia, another guest at the lodge. Chuckie becomes a third wheel, and feels alienated when Tommy prefers spending time with Olivia to helping him overcome his fear of heights. Tommy has his very first kiss with Olivia. Meanwhile Angelica tries to impress a guy who works as a hiking leader at the resort .
27. Blind Man's Bluff April 11, 2005 When Susie gets a gig singing at Slosh Mountain, "the world's coolest water park", she gives free tickets to Tommy and his friends. The kids are thrilled, not so much about the show, but about getting the chance to go on the mother of all rides, Whiplash Gorge. Unfortunately, Tommy and Dil soon learn they have to look after Grandpa Boris after cataract surgery on exactly the same day. Dil convinces Tommy to take Grandpa Boris with them to Slosh Mountain, but they lose him. First Appearances By: Grandpa Boris
28. Yu-Gotta-Go April 12, 2005 The whole school has caught Yu-Gotta-Go (A parody of Yu-Gi-Oh) fever, a role playing card game, except Chuckie. When he finally starts playing, it becomes an obsession, and he's hired by Angelica (who's been grounded) to do her chores in exchange for more cards, and he becomes overwhelmed by the hope of finding a rare card called "The Red Mirror Dragon" (A parody of Red Eyes Black Dragon a card in Yu-Gi-Oh).
29. Curse of Reptar April 13, 2005 After Stu sells an invention, he tells the kids that he's planning to buy them a swimming pool in the backyard. While digging up the yard, the construction crew unearths the Rugrats' old mechanical Reptar toy. The kids fondly remember it (all of them but Dil), but decide to throw it away, until, during an electrical storm, they become convinced that they have angered Reptar. They ultimately decide to rescue the toy, and realize that, although they are growing up, they cannot forget their past.
  • Note: In a homage to the original series, a flashback sequence features the four original Rugrats as their former baby selves. This also marks the final time that the Rugrats are seen in their baby forms.
  • Note: The film Rugrats in Paris, as well as the episodes from the original series are mentioned by Chuckie.
30. It's Karma, Dude! April 14, 2005 When there is a talent show coming, Angelica signs up. Tommy tells her to let Susie know, but she does not. Angelica's face breaks out in zits and comes to Dil's advice. Dil tells her to do good deeds, but the zits get bigger and she ends up letting Susie sing in the talent show instead.
31. The Big Score April 15, 2005 It's soccer season, and as per usual, Phil has soccer on the brain. But when Lil casually joins the team, she surprises everyone, including herself, by instantly becoming a super star. Dil becomes the new mascot.
32. Rats Race June 21, 2005 Tommy and the gang decide to put together a boxcar to compete in the upcoming derby against Angelica.
33. Wouldn't it be Nice? June 24, 2005 Susie thinks that Angelica does not think much about the future. While Angelica worries about getting a navel piercing, Susie tries to get a scholarship to a good college. The girls are on a school trip and get lost and Susie loses her laptop with all of her work on that she needs to show to a college. Meanwhile Tommy, Phil, Lil and Dil skip school so that Lil can get an autograph from her favourite soccer player.
34-35. Dude, Where's My Horse? (Part One and Two) July 16, 2005 As babies the Rugrats used to dream about being cowboys, and as tweens they finally get to make those dreams come true! When the gang is invited to spend a week at a dude ranch, will Tommy and his city slicker pals adapt to the ways of the old west?

Season 4: 2005-2007

# Episode Original Airdate (USA) Short Summary
36-37. R.V. Having Fun Yet? (Part One and Two) October 10, 2005 When Susie gets chosen to sing at a giant parade in New York City, the tweenage Rugrats hit the road with their moms on a cross country trip! Will Betty's clunky old motor home be able to make it to NYC and see all the stops along the way (like the world's biggest ball of yarn)? Will Tommy and his pals go crazy from lack of video games and TV? Will Chuckie finally get kissed? First Appearance of: Rachel
38. Rachel, Rachel November 25, 2006 Despite his objections, Didi forces Tommy to attend Hebrew school to prepare for his bar mitzvah. While there, he meets Rachel, and falls deeply in love with her. In a series of flashbacks, we learn that Tommy's affection for Rachel parallels the courtship of Boris and Minka.
39. Separate But Equal November 12, 2007 As Phil and Lil's birthday nears, the twins realize that they are more different than they think. Phil is getting to like girls, and Lil is wearing a Training bra. Realizing this, they decide to have separate parties for the boys and the girls as they try to out-prank each other. Meanwhile, Dil is worried that he might turn into a vampire after getting bit by a vampire bat.
40. Ladies Man November 13, 2007 Susie trains Harold to help him get a date with Angelica. He soon becomes the most wanted boy in school. Meanwhile, Dil tries to play Cupid himself as he helps Vice Principal Pangborn woo Miss O'Keefe.
41. Lost at Sea November 14, 2007 Angelica falls for Darryl, but she gets too nervous to talk to him whenever he's around. Her mom loses her CEO job and decides to become a full-time mom. Then, they get stranded together on a sail boat on the same day as Darryl's rock concert. Meanwhile, Tommy decided to invite Rachel for dinner with his family, he was afraid it will go wrong and she will dislike his family.
Note: When Tommy brought up that the family thought he was going to be born a girl, they said the name was Delilah but in the Rugrats Movie the name was supposed to be Trixie
42. O Bro, Where Art Thou? November 15, 2007 Tommy is getting annoyed by Dil's eccentric behaviour, and he wants more space. When the gang visits the Cirque Extravaganza Day Camp, Dil meets a family who are just as eccentric as he is who invite him to join their troupe permanently.
43. Rat Traps November 16, 2007 When the gang sneaks into a PG-13 movie at the mall "Labyrinth Guy" (A Parody of the Video Game The Matrix: Path of Neo), Angelica catches them, and she has excellent blackmail fodder. The mall then closes with them locked inside with two robbers. Chuckie saves the day.
44. In the Family's Way November 19, 2007 After Charlotte has dinner with the Carmichaels, she decides that Angelica could use a bit more discipline, so she has her staying with Susie's family for a week. Tommy then bets the gang that the spoiled princess can handle all the Carmichael family rules for seven days or a week but she starts playing dirty and tricking them so she doesn't need to do so many chores until Susie and her brothers give Angelica a whole list of assignments to do.
45. A DeVille House Divided November 20, 2007 Phil has a crush on Lil's best friend Wally and they start hanging out more often, making Lil feel out of the loop.so when phil tells how he feels about wally lil tells wally that phil does not like her and she breaks up with phil

Season 5: 2007-2008

# Episode Original Airdate (USA) Short Summary
46. Susie Goes Bad Lite November 21, 2007 Tired of being considered a "goody goody" by the popular kids, Susie tries desperately to prove that she can be a bad girl. Meanwhile, Phil discovers that he has a talent for cooking.
47. Trading Places November 23, 2007 When Chuckie discovers that Kimi is upset, he gets the gang to help him redesign her room. It is then discovered that she is homesick for Japan and her biological father. Chas and Kira have a big surprise for Kimi.
48. TP+KF November 26, 2007 When the gang looks for Halloween costumes in the Finster's garage, they find TP+KF carved on the wall. Chuckie believes that Tommy has a crush on Kimi. Dil goes trick-or-treating the day before in order to beat the rush, but only gets money and becomes annoyed. The argument between Tommy and Chuckie escalates to where their friendship falls apart. The gang tries to bring the two back together. Chas has a new security system to scare away anyone who might want to T.P (“toilet paper”) his house.
49. Super Hero Worship November 27, 2007 When the comic book starring Chuckie's favorite superhero gets cancelled (Armadillo Dave), he is too depressed to help Tommy with his science fair project. Tommy has to buy a rat for his project, but the last rat available is a mean one. It scares everybody. Tommy made a simple one lane track for his rat, but needs Chuckie so he can get a good grade on it since Chuckie has done it before. The gang tries to find Chuckie a new hero to worship.
50. What's Love Got to do With It? November 28, 2007 Angelica's teacher is having a baby so she brings in a hot handsome sub teacher that Angelica falls in love with. She tries to date him by failing her assignments. Meanwhile, Tommy, Phil, and Chuckie are part of the tennis club run by Pangborn. Chuckie is trying to avoid showering at the boys' locker room, but when he takes the chance, he realizes he has nothing to worry about.
51. All Broke Up November 29, 2007 Rachel is moving away and Tommy is cool with it, but his friends think otherwise, they think he's in denial so Dil tells Tommy to go along with the plan so his friends will leave him alone. Also, after losing her job, Aunt Charlotte tries to get on track, with Dil's creative game of Impatience.
52. Petition This! November 30, 2007 Kimi leads a petition drive to ban cell phones in school. Angelica hoodwinks Chuckie into helping her keep cell phones in school in her petition drive. Kimi gets busted for wanting a cell phone for Christmas. Kira and Chas celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary.
53. Bad Blood August 3, 2008 With Stu and Didi away at an Invention Convention, Dil wants to host a viewing party for a "real" alien autopsy video. But when both Grandpa Lou and Grandpa Boris show up to babysit the kids, they start to have a feud. This gets even more difficult when Phil, Lil and Chuckie show up and Dil invites 10 other kids come see it.
54. Brothers Grimm August 10, 2008 When the gang's parents feel that they are spending too much time watching TV they ban it from the house. So in order to get their televisions back, they do something dare-devilish. They make a tree house with a zip-line in the backyard, to scare their parents into giving them their TV back.
55. Golden Boy August 17, 2008 When Tommy forgoes going to the traditional opening day ball game outing with his Grandpa, Lou takes Dil instead. This makes Tommy jealous as he and Dil compete to be Grandpa's favorite grandson during a fishing trip.